My writing resume

I've been a professional writer for over 20 years.

The vast majority of my writing has been commercial: Cool headlines, seductive body copy, warm & fuzzy brochure copy, TV and radio scripts... all the stuff you'd do at an advertising agency.

The test of a writer, however, is non-commercial writing... writing where no one's given you a topic or set of parameters or a product. It's just you, a blank computer screen, and a desire to communicate.

These blogs below are my samples of that kind of writing.

There's one missing, because it's on Amazon-- my SIBA best-selling book YOU WANT FRIES WITH THAT? A White-collar Burnout Experiences Life at Minimum Wage.

Questions? Give me a shoot: eight four three, six nine seven, fifty, fifty-one.


This is the jumping off point for my various blogs

This is the jumping off point for my various blogs
Scroll down and take a tour...

Thursday, January 14, 2010

There Be Dragons Here

This is my blog about the discoveries I've made during my Christian walk.

It is specifically written for (and to) people who are thinking, "You know, I believe it's time for me to investigate Christianity. I just wish I could find someone who would discuss it in Layman's terms."

The URL is:

Author Rant

The full title of this blog is A Rookie Author's Rookie Year: They Don't Call it the Submission Process for Nothing

In short, it answers the question, "What's it really like to get your first book published?" It's a true story-- I had my first book published in 2008.

Unless you've successfully navigated the waters of The Submission Process, chances are that everything you think you know is... well, let's call it optimistically skewed.

Want to know what really goes on behind the publishing curtain?

I'm your Huckleberry.

The URL is

Uncle Uncle Uncle

I've been a columnist for The Charleston Mercury for many years, covering Politics and Religion. Our nation has gone so freakin' insane I feel there's little left to say, except, "I give. Uncle. Uncle. Uncle."

This blog contains the columns that have inspired the most response. Conservatives applaud, and liberals let me know their feelings.

I'm not that big on feelings.

The URL is